• CompatibleMemory(ards
FUJIFILM and SanDisk SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards have been ap-
proved for use in the camera. A complete list of approved memory cards
is available at http://www.fujifilm.com/support/digitol_comeros/compotibility/.
Operation is not guaranteed with other cards. The camera can not be used
with xD-P£ture Cards or MultiMediaCard (MMC) devices.
• Donotturnthecameraofforremovethememorycardwhilethememorycardisbeingformatted
ordataarebeingrecordedtoordeletedfromthecard.Failureto observe this precaution
could damage tile card.
• Format SD/SDHC/SDXCmemory cards before first use,and be sure to reformat all
memory cardsafter using them in acomputer or other device. Formore information
on formatting memory cards,see"l_ FORMAT"(_ 82).
• Memory cards are smalland carl be swallowed; keep out of reach of children. If a
child swallows a memory card,seekmedical assistanceimmediately.
• miniSD or microSDadapters that arelarger or smaller than the standard dimensions
of an SD/SDHC/SDXCcard may not eject normally; if the card does not eject, take
the camerato an authorized servicerepresentative. Do not forcibly remove the card.
• Do not affix labelsto memory cards. Peeling labelscan causecamera malfunction.
• Movie recording may be interrupted with some types of SD/SDHC/SDXCmemory
card. Usea a,Ass@ cardor better when shooting HDmovies.
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