Do not use the churner to charge batteries other than thosespod- Whenyou are cleaning the camera or you do notplan to use the
fire or electric shock
batteries can cause the battery toleak fluid, overheat or burst
Whencarrying the battery, install it ina diqital camera or keep it
in the hard case, Whenstoring tim battery, keepit in the hardcase,
mUD When discarding, coverthe Battery terminals with insulation
Contact with other metallic objects or batteries could cause
tile batteryto ignite or burst
Keep memory cards outof the reach of small children, Because
don or call an emergency number
@ Donotusethiscamerainlocatinnsaffectedbyoilfumes, steam, hu-
mid_ordust This carl cause a fire or electric shock
Do not leave this camera inplaces subject to extremely high temper-
_ atures. Do not leave the camera in locations such as a sealed
"-I vehicle or in direct sunlight This can cause afire
Keepoutofthereachofsmallchildren, Thisproduct could cause
_' injuryin the hands of achild
_'_ Do not place heavy objects on the camera. This can cause the
heavy object to tip over or fall and cause injury
Do not move the camera while the ACpower adapter is stillconnect-
a fireor electric shock
Do not usethe AC power adapter when the plug isdamaged orthe
plugsochetconnectionisloose. This could cause afire orelectric
Do not coveror _i'_p the came_ or the ACpower ad_pter in acinth
(_ orblankot, Thiscancauseheattobuildupanddistortthecas
ing or cause afire
(_ When charging ends. unplug the charger from the power socket.
Leawng the charger plugged into the power socket can cause
Using a flash too close to e person's eyes map temporarily affect the
(_ _ Takepartkular care when photograpNng infants and
young children
Whena memory cardis removed,the cardcould come out of theslot
_ Useyourhngertoholditandgent!yreleasethecard.
Injury could result to those struck by the ejected card
Request regular internal testing and cleaning for your camera.