P heating
and pan
Preheat the oven if the recipe calls flw it. To
preheat, set the o\ en at the correct temperature.
Preheating is necessary for good results when
baking cakes, cookies, pastry and breads.
For oven,s without a pwheat b_dicator lig'ht or to_e,
pn_heat l O mb_ute,s.
Baking results will be better if baking pans are
centered in the oven as much as possible. Pans
should not touch each other or the walls of the
oven. If you need to use two racks, stagger the
pans so one is not directly abo\ e the other, and
leave approximately 1½" between pans, fl'om
the front, back and sides of the wall
You can use ahmfilmln foil to line the broilei"
pan aim broiler grid. Howevei; you inust inold
the toil tightly to the grid aim cut slits in it just
like the grid.
A htmimon fi>il may al,_o be used to _at_ l_ a s/:illove*:
Never entirely cover a rack with ahmfilmln fifil.
This will disturb the heat circulation aim result
in poor baking.
A slnaller sheet of foil inav be used to catch a
spillover by placing it on a lower rack several
inches below the tood.
Cut slits in the foil just like the grid.