_,l?lll Oven
How to set
the oven
Jot proofing
The pi oohng feature maintains a *_arm
environment useful for rising }east-leavened
1 Place the coxered dough in a dish in the
oven on rack B or C.
NOTE: For best _,sldts, ( o'uer tke doug'b "witk a clotk
or witk ,_'reased,/)lastk,"wra/) (tke /)lastk, may. _eed to
be az_cko_,d uz_derneatk tke coz_tah_er,so tke oven
.fi_n will zmt blow it qff).
2 Press the WARM/PROOF pad twice and then
the START pad.
The displa? will read "PrF" (proof).
The oven interior light tm'ns on and remains
on dm'ing proofing.
Tile proofing teature automatically provides
the desired temperature tiw proofing and
thereti_re does not have a temperature
a(!j ustm en t.
3 Set the TIMER ON/OFF fl:,r a maximmn
of 1 horn _.Depending upon the recipe, bread
may complete proofing in less than 1 horn'.
Check bread as needed tin" progress.
4 After 1 horn" of proofing, press the
CLEAR/OFF pad. If proofing is not
complete, leave the bread in the closed
oven tmtil it reaches the desired height.
* To axoid lowering the oxen temperature and
len-thening_ , ln'°°fing, time, do not open the
ovell door Hllllecess_trily.
* Check bread products earl? to axoid
O_ el_proo_illg.
* Do not use the/)mqfing" mo(h_fn' warmi_g'fbod or
ke@i_g,'f)od hot. The p_vqfing" ove_z #mpe_mm, is
not hot e_zouglz to hold foods at s(¢;_#mperature,s.
('se the l,lf41_Mf_atm_, to kee])fbod warm.
* Proo,flb_q',,fieature o_ .pper oven only.
* Pmqfing will not operate wken oven is above
12 5 o7,.•"HO _1""wall" show zn" tke dislplay.
Set the oven to PROOF for a maximum
of 1 hour, then leave the bread in the
closed oven until it reaches the desired
height. Using PROOF in excess of 1 hour
may kill the yeast.