Using the Probe
I.l?dl Oven
For many fi)ods, especially roasts and poultry,
internal food temperature is the best test fi)r
aloneness. The temperature probe takes the
guesswork out of roasting by cooking fi)ods to
the exact aloneness vou want,
Use of probes other than the one provided with
this product max result in damage to the probe.
Use the handles of the probe and plug when
inserting and remoxing them from the meat
and outlet.
• To axoid damaging your probe, do not use
ton(*s_,to pull on the cable when remoxing, it.
• To axoid breaking the probe, make sure fl)od
is completely defrosted befi)re inserting.
• To pre',ent possible burns, do not unI)lu,*
the probe from the outlet until the oxen
has cooled.
• Nexer leaxe your probe inside the oxen
during a self cleaning c) cle.
• Do not store the probe in the oxen.
_-,_ Cable
Plug 1[ 11
The temperature probe hasa skewer-like probe at one end anda
plug at the other end that goes into the outlet in the oven.