Oven door
To clema the inside of the door:
• Because tile area inside tile gasket is cleaned
during tile sel6clean cycle, you (1(7not need to
clean this by hand.
• Tile area outside tile gasket and tile door liner
can be cleaned with a soap-tilled or plastic
scorning pad, hot water and detergent. Rinse well
with a vinegar and water solution.
To dem_ the outside of the door:
• Use soap and water t(7 thoroughly clean the top,
sides and fi'ont oI the oven dora: Rinse well. Ybu
may also use a glass cleaner to clean the glass
on the outside of the dora: Do not let water drip
into tile vent openings.
• If anv stain on tile door vent trim is persistent,
use a soft abrasive cleaner and a si)onge-scrubber
tiTr best results.
• Spillage of marinades, fl'uitjuices, tomato sauces
and basting materials containing adds may cause
discoloration and should be wiped
up immediatel> When s/wlhce is cool, clean and
• Do not use oven cleanei_, cleaning powde_ or
hm_h abrasives on tile outside of tile (lo(7_:
Donot rubor cleanthedoor gasket--
ithasanextremelylow resistanceto abrasion.
Ifyou noticethegasketbecomingworn,frayedor damagedinanywayor
if it hasbecomedisplacedonthe door,youshouldhaveitreplaced.
oven .flOOr
To remove the oven floor:
1 Remove the oven door using the instructions
in the I,ifl-Off Oven Door section of this
I//illl tlill,
2 Press down and pull out the removable
oVell f] oo1\
3 Clean the oven floor with warm soapy water.
4 When re-installing the oven floor be sm'e to
slide it all the way to the back (Tf the oven.
CAUTION: _Mways replace the remo;_d)le floor
betiTre the next use.
Oven heating
Do not clean the broil element. Any soil will
burn off when the element is heated.
Tile bake element is not exposed and is raider
the removable 17;en floor. If spillovers, residue
(71" ;Ish ;iCC/lllltllate Oll tile ieI//o;;ible ovell f](7(71",
wipe up be%re self-cleaning.
To clean the bake element area, take out the
removable floor (see the l?_,movab& Oven FhTor
section) and gently lift the bake element. (:lean
with warm soapy water. Always replace the
remo;_lble floor beiiTre next use.
It's a good idea to wipe the control panel alter
each use. Clean with mild soap and water or
vinegar and water, rinse with clean water and
polish (hy with a sott cloth.
Do not use abrasive cleansers, strong liquid
cleaners, plastic scouring pads or oven cleaners
(711the control panel--they will damage the
finish. A 50/50 sohltion of vinegar and hot
water works well.