
Key Features for the HP 16555A
110-MHz state and 500-MHz timing acquisition speed.
64 data channels/4 clocks expandable to 200 data/4 clock channels.
Lightweight passive probes for easy hookup and compatibility with
previous HP logic analyzers and preprocessors.
HP-IB and RS-232-C interface for programming and hard copy printouts.
Variable setup/hold time, 3.5-ns window.
External arming to and from other modules through the intermodule bus.
1-M deep memory on all channels with 2 Mbytes in half-channel modes.
Marker measurements.
12 levels of trigger sequencing for state and 10 levels of sequential
triggering for Timing.
Both state and timing analyzers can use 10 pattern resource terms, two
range terms, and two timer/counters to qualify and trigger on data. The
timing analyzer also has two edge terms available.
Time (8-ns resolution) and number-of-qualified-states tagging.
Full programmability.
Mixed State/Timing and State/State (interleaved) display.
Waveform display.
General Information
Key Features for the HP 16555A