
Accessories Available
There are a number of accessories available that will make your measurement
tasks easier and more accurate. You will find these listed in Accessories for
HP Logic Analyzers, available from your Hewlett-Packard Sales Office.
Preprocessor Modules
The preprocessor module accessories enable you to quickly and easily
connect the logic analyzer to your microprocessor under test.
Included with each preprocessor module is a 3.5-inch disk which contains a
configuration file and an inverse assembler file. When you load the
configuration file, it configures the logic analyzer for making state
measurements on the microprocessor for which the preprocessor is designed.
Configuration files from other analyzer modules can also be loaded. For
information on translating other configuration files into the analyzer, refer to
"Preprocessor File Configuration Translation and Pod Connections" in
chapter 2, "Probing".
The inverse assembler file is a software routine that will display captured
information in a specific microprocessor’s mnemonics. The DATA field in the
State Listing is replaced with an inverse assembly field. The inverse
assembler software is designed to provide a display that closely resembles
the original assembly language listing of the microprocessor’s software. It also
identifies the microprocessor bus cycles captured, such as Memory Read,
Interrupt Acknowledge, or I/O write.
Many of the preprocessor modules require the HP10269C General Purpose
Probe Interface. The HP 10269C accepts the specific preprocessor PC board
and connects it to five connectors on the general purpose interface to which
the logic analyzer probe cables connect.
A list of preprocessor modules is found in the Accessories for HP Logic
Analyzers brochure. Descriptions of the preprocessor modules are found
with the preprocessor module accessories.
General Information
Accessories Available