
Resource Term Configuration Menu
When any of the Resource Term fields are selected, a Resource Terms
Configuration menu appears. Use this configuration menu to assign a
resource term to an analyzer, set the resource term to a value, or customize
the name of a resource term. The following functions can also be
accomplished by selecting the assignment field and using the pop-up keypad.
Clear (=X)
Sets the Term Assignment fields as follows:
In Terms a – j, the assignment field is set to all Xs (don’t cares).
In Range 1 and 2 terms, the two assignment fields are set to maximum
(Fs) and minimum (0s) settings.
In Timer 1 and 2 terms, the assignment field is reset to a minimum
time of 400 ns.
In Edge 1 and 2 terms, the assignment field is reset to a period (.).
Set (=1)
Sets the Term Assignment fields as follows:
In Terms a – j, the assignment field is set to all 1s (highs).
This option is not available for the two Range, Timer, and Edge terms.
Resource Terms Configuration Menu
The Trigger Menu
Resource Term Fields