
Statistics 1Var app 213
Enter parameters
appropriate to your
data. Those shown at
the right will ensure
that all the data in
this particular
example are displayed in Plot view.
14. Pl ot a hist ogram of
the data.
Press > and < to
move the tracer and
see the interval and
frequency of each
bin. You can also tap to select a bin. Tap and drag to
scroll the Plot view. You can also zoom in or out on
the cursor by pressing
+ and w respectively.
Entering and editing statistical data
Each column in Numeric view is a dataset and is
represented by a variable named D0 to D9. There are
three ways to get data into a column:
Go to Numeric view and enter the data directly. See
“Getting started with the Statistics 1Var app” on
page 209 for an example.
Go to Home view and copy the data from a list. For
example, if you enter L1 D1 in Home view,
the items in list L1 are copied into column D1 in the
Statistics 1Var app.
Go to Home view and copy the data from the
Spreadsheet app. For example, suppose the data of
interest is in A1:A10 in the Spreadsheet app and you
want to copy it into column D7. With the Statistics
1Var app open, return to Home view and enter