Functions and commands 407
plane With three points as arguments, draws the plane made by the
three points. With a point and a line as arguments, draws the
plane made by the point and the line. With an equation as
argument, draws the plane corresponding to the equation in
3D space.
plane(Pnt or Eq, [Pnt or Line],[Pnt])
plotinequation Draws the points of the plane whose coordinates satisfy the
inequations of two
plotparam With a complex (a(t)+i*b(t)) and a list of values for the
variable (t) as arguments, draws the parametric representation
of the curve defined by x=a(t) and y=g(t) over the interval
specified in the second argument. With a list of expressions of
two variables (a(u,v),b(u,v),c(u,v)) and a list of values for the
variables (u=u0...u1,v=v0...v1) as arguments, draws the
surface defined by x=a(u,v), y=b(u,v), and z=c(u,v) over the
intervals specified by in the second argument.
plotpolar For an expression f(x), draws the polar curve r=f(x) for x over
the interval VarMin to VarMax.
plotseq Displays the pth terms of the sequence u(0)=a,u(n)=f(u(n–1)).
point With a complex as argument, plots it. With the coordinates of
a point in three dimensions as argument, plots it.
polar Returns the line of the conjugated points of A with respect to
a circle.
polar(Crcle,Pnt or Cplx(A))
polar_coordinates Returns the list of the norm and of the argument of the affix of
a point, complex number or list of rectangular coordinates.
polar_coordinates(Pnt or Cplx or LstRectCoord)
polar_coordinates(point(1+2*i)) gives