
Functions and commands 373
page 322. The functions and commands specific to the
Geometry app are described in “Geometry functions and
commands” on page 165, and those specific to programming
are described in “Program commands” on page 525.
Some of the options on the Catlg menu can
also be chosen from the relations palette
( Inserts opening parenthesis.
* Multiplication symbol. Returns the product of numbers or the
scalar product of two vectors.
+ Addition symbol. Returns the term-by-term sum of two lists or
two matrices, or adds two strings together.
Subtraction symbol. Returns the term-by-term subtraction of
two lists or two matrices.
.* List or matrix multiplication symbol. Returns the term-by-term
multiplication of two lists or two matrices.
[[1,2],[3,4]].*[[3,4],[5,6]] gives
./ List or matrix division symbol. Returns the term-by-term division
of two lists or two matrices.
.^ Returns the list or matrix where each term is the corresponding
term of the list or matrix given as argument, raised to the
power n.
(Lst or Mtrx).^Intg(n)
:= Stores the evaluated expression in the variable. Note that:=
cannot be used with the graphics variables G0–G9. See the
command BLIT.
A:=3 stores the value 3 in the variable A