306 Functions and commands
– used in the Matrix Editor
– used in the List Editor
– and some additional functions and commands
See “Ctlg menu” on page 372.
Some functions can be chosen
from the math template (displayed by
F). See “Math template”
on page 24.
You can also create your own
functions. See “Creating your own functions” on page 425.
Setting the form
of menu items
You can choose to have entries on the Math and CAS menus
presented either by their descriptive name or their command
name. (The entries on the Catlg menu are always presented
by their command name.)
The default menu presentation mode is to provide the
descriptive names for the Math and CAS functions. If you
prefer the functions to be presented by their command name,
deselect the Menu Display option on the second page of
the Home Settings screen (see “Home settings” on
page 30).
Abbreviations used in this chapter
In describing the syntax of functions and commands, the
following abbreviations and conventions are used:
Expr: a mathematical expression
Poly: a polynomial
LstPoly: a list of polynomials
Frac: a fraction
Descriptive name Command name
Factor List ifactors
Complex Zeros cZeros
Groebner Basis gbasis
Factor by Degree factor_xn
Find Roots proot