v When typing commands, type the entire command name or type the first three
characters or abbreviate specific parameters. Refer to “Abbreviations for
Common Sterling Connect:Direct Commands” on page 5for a list of
v Do not abbreviate Process statements and parameters.
v File names, group names, user IDs, and passwords are variable length strings
and can be any length.
v A Sterling Connect:Direct node name is 1–16 characters long. The name of a
record in the netmap describing a remote node is typically the remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name, but can be any string 1–256 characters long. You can
also specify a remote node name as an IP address or hostname and a port
number or port name.
“Generic” Parameter Value
When the word generic is specified as a parameter value in a syntax definition,
provide a string that can include the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters.
These characters provide a pattern matching or wildcard facility for parameter
values. The asterisk matches zero or more characters, and the question mark
matches any single character. The following sample illustrates the use of the
asterisk and question mark characters:
The generic Process name specified in the previous sample shows a specification
that matches all Processes beginning with the letter A, followed by any single
character in position two with the string PROD5 in positions three through seven.
The asterisk takes the place of zero or more characters beginning in position eight.
“List” Parameter Value
When (list) is a parameter value, you can specify multiple parameter values by
enclosing the group in parentheses and separating each value with a comma. A list
can also include generic values. The following command illustrates a list:
(pnumber1, pnumber2, pnumber3)
Submitting a Process
The submit command makes Processes available for execution and enables the
software to interpret the Process statements contained in the specified files.
Parameters specified in the submit command override the same parameters
specified on the Process statement. There are no required parameters. However, if
you do not specify a file name for the file parameter, the text of the Sterling
Connect:Direct Process must follow the submit command. Following are the
parameters for the submit command:
Parameter Description Values
file The name of the Process file. The file name can
include a path name indicating the location of
the Process.
This parameter must be the first parameter.
file name including the path name
6 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide