Platform C Compile Command
32-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lcl
-lstd_v2 -lCsup_v2
64-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc +DD64 -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -L/usr/lib/pa20_64 -lnsl
-ldld -Wl,+s -lcl -lstd_v2 -lCsup_v2
32-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lcl
-lstd_v2 -lCsup -lunwind
64-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc +DD64 -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -L/usr/lib/hpux64
-lrpcsvc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lcl -lstd_v2 -lCsup -lunwind
32-bit gcc -m32 -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -ldl -lnss_nis
64-bit gcc -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -ldl -lnss_nis /usr/lib64/
Note: A 64-bit Linux OS installation is required to compile 64-bit binaries.
32-bit gcc -m31 -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -ldl -lnss_nis
64-bit gcc -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -ldl -lnss_nis /usr/lib64/
Note: A 64-bit Linux OS installation is required to compile 64-bit binaries.
Writing Custom C Programs
If you write a custom program using the C API calls, you must include the header
file ndmapi.h and link it with ndmapi.a. A sample program called apicheck.c is
For Java programming, you can call the C API functions by using the JNI and the
libndmapi shared objects: libndmapi.sl for HP and libndmapi.so for the other
supported platforms. Although the JNI is supported, the Sterling Connect:Direct
Java Application Interface is recommended for Java programs that invoke the
services of Sterling Connect:Direct.
Note: The environment variable NDMAPICFG must be set to the pathname of the
client configuration file. Refer to “Overview of the Command Line Interface” on
page 1 for instructions on setting the environment variable.
Use the following Sterling Connect:Direct API functions for C and C++ programs:
C++ Function C Function Description
ndmapi_connect() ndmapi_connect_c() Establishes a connection with the server.
Specify the node to connect to in the
ndm_nodespec pointer or in the CLI/API
Configuration Information file. If the call is
successful, NDM_NO_ERROR is returned.
Control returns to the application when the
connection is established and is ready for the
first API request.
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 61