Compiling a Translation Table Using the ndmxlt Utility
Before you begin
You can create or modify a translation table tailored to your requirements with the
ndmxlt utility program.
To invoke the ndmxlt utility, type the following command at the UNIX prompt:
$ ndmxlt -ssourcefile -ooutputfile [ -rradix] [ -ffiller] -mxlatefile
The parameters for the ndmxlt command are listed in the following table:
Parameter Description Values
-ssourcefile The path and file name of the translation
table source file. If no value is specified,
input is read from STDIN.
Path and name of translation
-ooutputfile The path and file name of the translation
table output file.
Path and name of translation
output file
-rradix The radix or base of the source file input
data. All numeric values whether from
command line options or input data are
interpreted based on the radix setting.
x—Hexadecimal. This is the
The default is x.
-ffiller A filler byte value. The entire table is
initialized to this value before the input
data is scanned and applied to the table.
Any keyboard character,
number, or special character,
plus control characters
entered using a preceding
For example, “\0” is null.
-m The path and file name of a model
translation table. If specified, the model
table is read in and then the input data is
scanned and applied to the table. This
capability permits creating a number of
different tables that are variations from a
single base table without having to specify
all 256 bytes of input data for each table.
Path and file name of the
model translation table
Example—Creating a Translation Table
About this task
Perform the following steps to create a sample translation table that changes
lowercase characters to uppercase characters:
1. Make a copy of the sample translation table located at cd_dir/ndm/src/
2. Open the new translation table with a text editor.
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