Overview of User Exit Messages
Sterling Connect:Direct sends and receives messages, using the send_exit_msg()
and the recv_exit_msg() functions for a C++ program or the send_exit_msg_c()
and the recv_exit_msg_c() functions foraCprogram. For the exact definition of
the data sent in each message, see the files located in d_dir/ndm/include/
user_exit.h and d_dir/ndm/include/user_exit2.h.
Note: The copy control block is defined in user_exit2.h.
Statistics Exit Message
The statistics exit has only one type of message, the STATISTICS_LOG_MSG.
Sterling Connect:Direct sends a STATISTICS_LOG_MSG to the user exit program.
Every time Sterling Connect:Direct writes a statistic record, this message provides
an exact copy of the character string. The STATISTICS_LOG_MSG contains the
Sterling Connect:Direct statistics record.
File Open Exit Messages
The file open exit has four types of messages:
The file open exit has the following limitations:
v The oflag parameter passed to the user exit is already calculated based on the
file disposition, as explicitly specified on the copy statement or using the default
value. If the user exit changes the oflag to truncate and the original disposition
is mod meaning the copy will append to the end of file if the file already exists,
then the user exit causes the Process to behave differently from how the Process
language is documented.
v Do not change the file type specified by the Process. For example, if the Process
specifies a regular file, the user exit cannot open and return a file descriptor for
a pipe. No facility is available to modify contents of the copy control block and
return it to Sterling Connect:Direct.
v If the oflag specifies opening a file with write access and the user exit changes
access to read-only, Sterling Connect:Direct will fail when it attempts to write to
a read-only file.
v The upload and download parameters that restrict directory access are ignored
for this user exit.
During the copy statement process, Sterling Connect:Direct sends a
FILE_OPEN_OUTPUT_MSG to the user exit program to open the destination file.
v The open function oflag parameter (for example,
v The open function mode parameter, which controls file permissions
v UNIX user ID that will own the file
v UNIX group ID that will own the file
Chapter 5. Writing User Exits 79