Overview of the LX-4000 Series
MRV Communications, Inc. www.mrv.com 451-0308
• Configure Mode prompt – A sample configure mode prompt is Async 1-6:0 >>, where
Async is a reminder that tells you which part of the configuration you are in, 1-6 is the range
of ports any operation will affect, 0 is a session number, and >> indicates superuser mode. To
get to the Async 1-6:0 >> prompt, you must first type port async 1 6 at the Config:0
>> prompt. Note that you do not add a dash between the range numbers in port async 1 6.
• Command execution – Unless otherwise specified, commands are executed when you press
• Keyboard characters (keys) – Keyboard characters are represented using left and right
angle brackets (< and >). For example, the notation <CTRL> refers to the CTRL key; <A>
refers to the letter A; and <Enter> refers to the RETURN key.
• Typographical conventions – The following typographical conventions are used:
Monospace Typeface – indicates text that can be displayed or typed at a terminal (i.e.,
displays, user input, messages, prompts, etc.).
italics – are used to indicate variables in command syntax descriptions.
• Help Key (?) - At any prompt level, you can press ? to display the available commands at
that level. The only time this is not true is if you are in the midst of entering a command. If ?
is at the end of a partial command, the LX displays a list of valid arguments to assist you in
adding to the current command line.
• Tab - Press the Tab button to complete a partially entered command. You must enter the first
three characters of a command for autocomplete to work. If the command is already complete,
the Tab button displays available commands.
• Command Recall - The up arrow recalls previously used commands.
• Ctrl-F – Moves forward to the next session.
• Ctrl-B – Moves back to the previous session.
• Ctrl-L – Returns you to the Local Command Mode.
• Ctrl-K – Clears the current command line.
NOTE:You must press the Enter key after you type Ctrl-F, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-L, or Ctrl-K.
System Specifications
The following table lists important system specifications:
Item Description
Interface DTE RS-232 - RJ-45
Serial Line Speed 134.5 bps to 230 Kbps
Ethernet Interface 10/100 Auto Sensing
Default Serial Line Speed 9600 bps