
451-0308 MRV Communications, Inc. www.mrv.com 53
Appendix C - POST Test Error Codes
POST Test Error Code Sample
NOTE: This example applies to 8, 16, 32, and 48 port LX units. The 16, 32, and 48 port
LX units use only the first eight LEDs when generating error codes.
The following sample illustrates the Port Status LED sequence for Error 2030 (Reading Invalid Value
from PLD System Fail Status Register) on the LX-4008. In this example:
1. A POST test failure occurs on an 8-port unit. All LEDs flash eight times, very quickly, then the error code
is displayed.
2. You record that LED 3 turns on. Again, all LEDs flash eight times very quickly, then the rest of the error
code is displayed.
3. You record that LEDs 3 and 4 turn on. Figure 22 explains how to interpret the sample error code.
NOTE: In hexadecimal, 0 indicates the LED is OFF. 1 indicates the LED is ON.
Each group of four LEDs is converted to a hexadecimal value as follows:
0 = 0000
1 = 0001
2 = 0010
3 = 0011
4 = 0100
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
7 = 0111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 6 4460
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 7 4470
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 8 4480
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart 9 4490
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart A0 44A0
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart B0 44B0
CD1400 Invalid Data Received for Quadart C0 44C0
Memory Error at (printing address) 5010
Memory Data Bus Failed 5020
Memory Address Bus Failed High 5030
Memory Address Bus Failed Low 5040
Flash Checksum Error 5055