451-0308 MRV Communications, Inc. www.mrv.com 47
Appendix A - Technical Specifications
Power Requirements LX-4008 AC - 11W, (38BTU/hr) 0.09A at 120V (typ), 11W 0.05A
at 220V (typ)
LX-4008 DC - -48VDC Nominal, -20VDC to -72VDC Operating
Range, 1A @ -48VDC, Dual Feed, 165 BTU/hr
LX-4016 AC - 14W, (47.8 BTU/hr) 0.11A at 120V (typ), 14W
0.06A at 220V (typ)
LX-4016 DC - -48VDC Nominal, -20VDC to -72VDC Operating
Range, 1.2A @ -20VDC, Dual Feed, 165 BTU/hr
LX-4032AC - 23W, (79 BTU/hr) 0.19A @ 120V (typ), 0.105A @
LX-4032DC - -48VDC Nominal, -20VDC to -72VDC Operating
Range, 0.6A @ 48VDC, Dual Feed, (99 BTU/hr)
LX-4048AC - 41W, (140 BTU/hr) 0.24A @ 120V (typ), 0.13A @
Minimum Software
LX-4008 requires V2.0.0 or greater, LX-4016 requires V2.0.1 or
greater, LX-4032 requires V2.2.0 or greater, LX-4048 requires
V3.0.0 or greater.
Ethernet Interface 10BASE-T/100Base-TX on single RJ-45, Auto-negotiation, Stan-
dard CSMA/CD or Full-Duplex operation.
Control Output Ratings RTS/DTR: 5.0V @ 1.6mA (Nominal), 2.5V @ 7.6mA (Absolute
Real Time Clock
32.768KHz crystal
Lithium coin cell battery CR2032 or equivalent. Power down
shelf-life: 1 year at 20