451-0308 MRV Communications, Inc. www.mrv.com 31
Configuring the LX-4000 Series for the First Time
9. Enter your Username and Password, and click Login.
NOTE: By default, authentication is done against the LX local user database. To start, use the
known username InReach and password access.
When you login, the next screen that appears depends on which mode you are authorized to configure
and monitor. Refer to “Web Configure Mode” on page 31 or “Web Access Mode” on page 32, depending
on which mode you can access.
Web Configure Mode
If you are authorized to access the Web Configure Mode, do the following:
1. If you log in as a user, the following window appears.
2. To log in as a superuser, click the Admin button on the tool bar and log in with the default Supe-
ruser password system. You can now configure the unit via the GUI.