D Active D-Lighting
Contrast and Brightness can not be adjusted when Active D-Lighting
(pg. 179) is on. Any manual adjustments currently in effect will be lost
when Active D-Lighting is turned on.
D “A” (Auto)
Results for auto contrast and saturation vary with
exposure and the position of the subject in the
Use a type G or D lens for best results.
icons for Picture Controls that use auto contrast
and saturation are displayed in green in the
Picture Control grid, and lines appear parallel to
the axes of the grid.
A The Picture Control Grid
Pressing the W button in Step 2 displays a Picture
Control grid showing the contrast and saturation
for the selected Picture Control in relation to the
other Picture Controls (only contrast is displayed
when Monochrome is selected).
Release the W
button to return to the Picture Control menu.
A Previous Settings
The line under the value display in the Picture
Control setting menu indicates the previous value
for the setting.
Use this as a reference when
adjusting settings.