2 Select Ye s .
The message shown at right
will be displayed; highlight Yes
and press 2 to proceed, or
select No to exit without
altering exposure.
3 Select a metering method.
Highlight Matrix metering,
Center-weighted, or Spot
metering and press 2.
4 Choose an exposure value.
Press 1 or 3 to choose an
exposure value from +1 to –1
Press J to save changes
and exit.
D Fine-Tuning Exposure
Exposure can be fine-tuned separately for each Custom Settings bank and
is not affected by two-button resets.
Note that as the exposure
compensation (E) icon is not displayed, the only way to determine how
much exposure has been altered is to view the amount in the fine-tuning
Exposure compensation (pg. 128) is preferred in most situations.