Image Size
Image size is measured in pixels.
Choose from Large (the default
option), Medium, or Small (note that image size varies depending
on the option selected for Image area, pg. 58):
Image area Option Size (pixels) Print size (cm/in.)
FX format
(36 × 24)
L 4,256 × 2,832 54.1 × 36.0/21.3 × 14.2
M 3,184 × 2,120 40.4 × 26.9/15.9 × 20.6
S 2,128 × 1,416 27.0 × 18.0/10.6 × 7.1
DX format
(24 × 16)
L 2,784 × 1,848 35.4 × 23.5/13.9 × 9.2
M 2,080 × 1,384 26.4 × 17.6/10.4 × 6.9
S 1,392 × 920 17.7 × 11.7/7.0 × 4.6
* Approximate size when printed at 200 dpi.
Print size in inches equals image
size in pixels divided by printer resolution in dots per inch (dpi;
1 inch = approximately 2.54 cm).
Print size decreases as printer resolution