f8: Shutter Speed and Aperture Lock
Use this option to lock shutter speed at the value selected in
shutter-priority auto or manual exposure mode, or to lock
aperture at the value selected in aperture-priority auto or manual
exposure mode. Lock is not available in programmed auto
exposure mode.
f9: Customize Command Dials
This option controls the operation of the main and sub-command
Option Description
Shutter speed lock
Choose On to lock shutter speed, Off (the default
option) to unlock.
Aperture lock
Choose On to lock aperture, Off (the default
option) to unlock.
Option Description
Controls the direction of the command dials.
Choose No (the
default option) for normal command dial operation, or Ye s to
reverse the rotation of the command dials.
This setting also
applies to the command dials for the MB-D10.
At the default setting of Off, the main command dial controls
shutter speed and the sub-command dial controls aperture.
If On is selected, the main command dial will control aperture
and the sub-command dial shutter speed.
This setting also
applies to the command dials for the MB-D10.