Setting Game Criteria
There are seven different multiplayer game
modes. Each mode has different objectives.
Detailed rules can be modified in the Arena
Setting screen. Please see pages 32-35 for more
Advanced Settings
Tap on ADVANCED SETTINGS on the Arena Settings screen to modify detailed
rule options.
Show Hunters on Radar
Damage Level
Friendly Fire
Available Weapons
If you turn this option off, enemies will not be displayed on the radar.
Adjust the damage level you give and receive.
You can receive damage from your teammate as well as enemy players (Team Play Mode).
Choose between Default or Affinity weapons.
Game Types
The first player to make a Kill becomes the powerful “Prime
Hunter.” The remaining players must then defeat this player to
take the title. Compete against each other unti Time Goal is met, or
Time Limit has expired. If the Time Limit expires, the player who
held the title longest is the winner.
Attack enemy territory and steal their Octoliths, then bring them
back to your own territory. The team who receives the specified
number of points first wins. You can set the number of Octoliths
required to win, the Time Limit, and Auto Reset, which returns the
Octolith to base when the carrying Hunter is defeated.
Fight over the Nodes placed in the stage. When you stand on an
uncontested node for ten seconds, you capture it. You get points for
nodes under your control.
Compete to see how many other Hunters you can defeat. You can
set the Point Goal needed to win the game, the Time Limit, and
Team Play. (Choosing this will divide players into two teams.)
Battle against other players–the last one standing is the winner.
You can set Lives (the number of times you can respawn your
Hunter) and Team Play.
Pick up the Octolith and take it to a specified location to earn
points. The first player to deliver the specified number of Octoliths
to the goal wins. You can set the number of Octoliths required to
win, the Time Limit, Team Play, and Auto Reset, which returns the
Octolith to base when the carrying Hunter is defeated.
Attempt to secure a designated area. You will earn time while you
are the only Hunter to occupy it.
Advanced Settings
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