Find the items placed across each stage and use
them to your advantage. The items you can find
differ depending on the game mode and rules
you select.
Hunters & Affinity Weapons
Samus and the other six Hunters all have
unique and different abilities and Alt-
Forms. Using each Hunters' Affinity
Weapon strengthens that Hunter’s
weapon power and weapon effects.
The Missile can track enemy
movements. The charge attack
increases the Missile’s
Samus Aran
Weapon: Missile
If Noxus uses the charge attack
with the Judicator, its shots
freeze the target.
Weapon: Judicator
The Magmaul’s charge attack
has a larger explosion that
burns its target.
Weapon: Magmaul
While using this weapon, Trace’s
body will be invisible as long as
he remains stationary.
Weapon: Imperialist
When the Battlehammer strikes
its target it explodes, causing
additional damage.
Weapon: Battlehammer
When a charged Volt Driver
strikes its target, the target’s
vision is temporarily distorted.
Weapon: Volt Driver
The Shock Coil drains the target’s
Weapon: Shock Coil
Restores Missile ammo.
(S: 5, L: 10)
Missile (S, L)
Earn the Hunter’s preferred
Affinity weapon.
Affinity Weapon
Turns your character invisible for a
limited time.
Take this back to the goal or base
to earn points.
Restores energy level.
(M:60, L: 100)
Energy Balls (M: Blue, L: Yellow)
Restores Sub-weapon ammo.
Number restored depends
on weapon.
UA/Universal Ammo (S, L)
Doubles attack power for a
limited time.
Double Damage
Changes character to Alt-Form to
quickly destroy its enemies by
touching them.
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