CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2
Status 2
(EtherNet/IP Unit to
CPU Unit) (n + 13)
Word n+13 contains status flags related to the Ethernet, as shown in the fol-
lowing diagram.
Status 3
(EtherNet/IP Unit to
CPU Unit) (n + 14)
Word n+14 contains status flags related to the Ethernet errors, as shown in
the following diagram.
Bit Name Status Manipulated
Unit operation
0 FTP Status ON Unit ON when the FTP server is
operating (i.e., when there is
an FTP client connection).
OFF Unit OFF when the FTP is on
standby (i.e., waiting for a cli-
ent connection).
1 to 13 (Not used) --- --- ---
14 Link Status ON Unit ON when a link is established
with the switching hub.
OFF Unit OFF when the link with the
switching hub is stopped.
15 (Not used) --- --- ---
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Link Status
FTP Status
Bit Name Status Manipulated
Unit operation
0 to 1 (Not used) --- --- ---
2 Basic Ethernet
Settings Error
ON Unit One of the following parame-
ters is invalid.
Configuration set-
(IP address, subnet mask, or
Link settings)
OFF Unit OFF when the parameters
above are valid.
3 IP Address Table
ON Unit ON when the IP address table
information is incorrect.
OFF Unit OFF when the IP address
table information is correct.
IP Address Table Error
IP Router Table Error
Address Mismatch
Basic Ethernet Settings Error
Non-volatile Memor
Routing Table Error
Ethernet Expansion Settings Error
BOOTP Server Error
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0