
Other Parameters Section 3-10
3-10 Other Parameters
In addition to the tag data link parameters, the EtherNet/IP Unit and built-in
EtherNet/IP port also have the following communications and operation
Auto Adjust Time
Status Area
•SNMP Trap
These parameters are set as Unit Setup from the CX-Programmer. The
parameter settings are saved in flash memory in the EtherNet/IP Unit or CPU
Unit. (See note.)
Note The CPU Bus Unit Setup Area is not used for tag data link settings for an
EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port. This point is different from the
operation of Ethernet Units.
When necessary, set the routing tables using the CX-Integrator.
Tab Page in Edit
Parameters Dialog Box
Setting Function
FINS/UDP FINS/UDP Port Specifies the local UDP port number to use in the FINS communi-
cations service. The UDP uses the UDP port number to distinguish
the application layer (FINS communications service in this case).
Default value (9,600)
User-set value (1 to 65,535)
Conversion Selects one of the following methods to convert from the FINS
node address to an IP address (FINS/UDP only).
Automatic generation (dynamic setting)
Automatic generation (static setting)
IP address table
Combined method
IP Address Table Sets the IP address table that defines the relationship between
FINS node addresses and IP addresses.
This table is effective only when FINS/UDP is being used and the
IP address conversion method is set to the IP address table.
Dynamic change the tar-
get IP addresses
Selects dynamic change of other FINS/UDP nodes’ IP addresses.
To disable dynamic changes, deselect this option by removing the
check mark.