Setting Tag Data Links Section 6-2
6-2-8 Creating Connections by Device Dragging and Dropping
You can create a connection to the originator by dragging a target device and
dropping it at the originator device. Network Configurator version 3.10 or
higher is required to drag and drop devices to make connections.
Example: Drag the target device at and drop it at the orig-
inator device at
Note The EtherNet/IP originator device (i.e., a device in which connections can be
set) must be one of the following OMRON EtherNet/IP devices.
Use the following procedure to create connections (i.e., data links) by drag-
ging and dropping devices.
1,2,3... 1. Set the tags and tag sets for the target device that will be dragged.
a. Refer to 6-2-4 Creating Tags and Tag Sets for information on creating
the settings if the target is one of the OMRON EtherNet/IP devices giv-
en above.
b. If the target is another EtherNet/IP device, refer to the manual of that
device and perform settings as required.
2. A dialog box as in the following figure for connection allocation will be dis-
played when you drag the target device and drop it at the OMRON Ether-
Net/IP device.
a. Using One of the Above OMRON EtherNet/IP Devices As Target
Select the output tag set from Target Device Area on the right side of
the Edit Connection Dialog Box, and then select the input tag set to re-
ceive the output tag set in the Originator Device Area on the left.
Drag & Drop
Device name Remarks
CJ1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CJ1 CPU Unit
CJ1W-EIP21(CJ2) CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CJ2 CPU Unit
CJ2B-EIP21 Built-in EtherNet/IP port in CJ2H CPU Unit
CJ2M-EIP21 Built-in EtherNet/IP port in CJ2M CPU Unit
CS1W-EIP21 CJ1W-EIP21 mounted to CS1 CPU Unit