CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2
1 Tag Data Link
ON Unit Indicates that the tag data link
is operating. Turned OFF
when communications stop in
the following cases.
• Hardware error
• IP Address Duplication Error
• BOOTP Server Error
• Basic Ethernet Settings
• Memory Error (MAC
Address Error)
OFF Unit Indicates that the tag data link
is stopped. Turned ON in the
following cases.
• The Unit is set as the origi-
nator and the power supply
was turned ON or the Unit
was restarted.
• The Unit is set as the origi-
nator and the Tag Data Link
Start Bit was turned ON.
2 Operating IP
Address Change
ON Unit ON if the node address set-
ting is different from the set-
ting when the power was
turned ON.
OFF Unit OFF if the node address set-
ting is the same as the setting
when the power was turned
3 to 10 (Not used) --- --- ---
11 User Setting Area
ON Unit Indicates that the user set-
tings area data is enabled.
ON when “user settings” have
been specified as the layout of
the allocated CIO Area, and
refreshing of the user settings
area has started.
OFF Unit Indicates that the user set-
tings area data is invalid.
The bit is turned OFF in the
following cases, because
communications stop.
• The allocated CIO Area lay-
out is set to default settings.
• The allocated CIO Area lay-
out is set to user settings,
but one of the following prob-
lems occurred.
• A Layout Setting Error
12 to
(Not used) --- --- ---
14 Multiple Switches
ON Error
ON Unit ON when two or more control
bits are ON simultaneously.
(Unused bits are ignored.)
OFF Unit Turned OFF when the next
control bit operation starts.
Bit Name Status Manipulated
Unit operation