Setting Tag Data Links Section 6-2
If the Download after changed to Program mode Button is clicked, all
CPU Units will be changed to PROGRAM mode and the parameters will
be downloaded. Confirm safety for all controlled equipment if the CPU
Units are changed to PROGRAM mode. The operating mode can be re-
turned to the previous setting after the parameters have been downloaded.
The Download with Current mode Button can be clicked to download
load the parameters even when one or more CPU Units is in RUN or MON-
ITOR mode.
• Display When Even One EtherNet/IP Unit Is Revision 1
When the Download after changed to Program mode Button is clicked,
all CPU Units will be changed to PROGRAM mode and the parameters will
be downloaded. Confirm safety for all controlled equipment if the CPU
Units are changed to PROGRAM mode. The operating mode can be re-
turned to the previous setting after the parameters have been downloaded.
During the download, the following progress monitor will be displayed to
show the progress of the download.