Overview of Initial Setup Procedures Section 3-1
9. Test communications.
Send a PING command to the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Refer to 3-11 Communications Test.
Settings Required for Tag Data Link Service (Cyclic Communications)
1. Using the EtherNet/IP Datalink Tool in the Network Configurator to Set the Parameters
With this method, there is no flexibility in the settings, but you can easily set
the data link parameters using only memory addresses, and the settings will
conform to Controller Link data link parameters. Refer to 3-9 Tag Data Link
Parameters or SECTION 6 Tag Data Link Functions.
2. Using the Tag Data Link Setting Function in the Network Configurator to Set the Parameters
With this method, you can set the connections that define the tag data links for
each EtherNet/IP node. Tag data links can be set with a high degree of flexibil-
ity using both memory addresses and network variables. Refer to SECTION 6
Tag Data Link Functions for information on how to make these settings.
Settings Required for the Message Communications Service
Execute a CMND(490) instruction in the CS/CJ-series CPU Unit’s user
Refer to SECTION 9 Message Communications.