CIO Area Allocations Section 4-2
Registered Target
Node Table
(EtherNet/IP Unit to
CPU Unit) (n + 16 to n
+ 19)
Words n+16 to n+19 show the registration status of the target nodes that are
connected with the EtherNet/IP Unit as the originator.
These words show the status of nodes 0 to 63 only. If it is necessary to show
the status of nodes higher than node 63, select “user settings” as the layout
pattern. For details, refer to 4-4 User Settings Area.
4 IP Router Table
ON Unit ON when the IP router table
information is incorrect.
OFF Unit OFF when the IP router table
information is correct.
5 (Not used) --- --- ---
6 Routing Table Error ON Unit ON when the routing table
information is incorrect.
OFF Unit OFF when the routing table
information is correct.
7 to 8 (Not used) --- --- ---
9 Ethernet Expan-
sion Settings Error
ON Unit One of the following parame-
ters is invalid.
• FINS settings
OFF Unit OFF when the parameters
above are valid.
10 BOOTP Server
ON Unit One of the following errors
occurred when using the
BOOTP server.
• The IP address received
from the BOOTP server is
• A communications timeout
occurred with the server.
OFF Unit OFF when the errors listed
above did not occur.
11 to
(Not used) --- --- ---
14 Address Mismatch ON Unit ON when the target IP
address conversion method is
set to Automatic generation,
but the local IP address’ host
ID does not match the FINS
node address.
OFF Unit OFF when the values match.
15 Non-volatile Mem-
ory Error
ON Unit ON when an error occurred in
the Unit’s internal non-volatile
OFF Unit OFF when the Unit’s internal
non-volatile memory is oper-
ating normally.
Bit Name Status Manipulated
Unit operation