CHAPTER 2. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
Samsung Business Communications
Timer Name Default Range Unit Description
MS LED ON TIME 5 1-10 SEC This timer controls the duration a Manual Sig-
nalling key will remain on after use.
OFF HOOK RING INT 15 1-250 SEC This timer controls the time between ring
bursts to a user who has a camped-on call.
OHVA ANSWER TIME 10 1-250 SEC This timer controls the time allowed to answer
an OHVA call before automatic rejection.
PAGE TIME OUT 20 1-250 SEC This timer controls the duration of a page an-
PAGE TONE TIME 500 100-2500
This timer controls the duration of tone burst
heard over the page prior to the page an-
PARK RECALL TIME 45 0-250 SEC This timer controls how long a call is parked
before recalling to the call park originator.
AP-MMC LOCK TIME 5 1-60 MIN This timer monitors the PCMMC activity,
drops the link if no action is created by
PCMMC and returns the system back to se-
cure program status.
PERI UCD REPORT 5 3-99 SEC This timer determines the interval between
periodic UCD reports provided to an SIO port.
POWER DOWN TIME 2000 500-9900
This timer monitors the power to the ROM
pack to begin shutdown status.
2 1-250 MIN This is the time an attendant recall will ring
before being disconnected.
RECALL WAIT TIME 15 0-250 SEC This is the time any recall(hold or transfer)
continues to recall at your station before it
recalls to the operator.
ROUTE OPTIMISE 5 0-250 SEC When a call is made via Q-SIG signalling,
route optimization is activated after this time.
SMDR START /DP 30 1-250 SEC This grace period timer starts SMDR re-
cording for rotary dialing.
SMDR START /DTMF 15 1-250 SEC This grace period timer starts SMDR recording
for touchtone dialling. This timer also controls
the LCD duration timer on the phones. The du-
ration time displayed and the SMDR time dura-
tion will be the same.
SYS HOLD RECALL 45 0-250 SEC This timer determines the time calls can be
left on hold before recalling to the holding
station. This is a system-wide timer. Setting
the timer to 000 means that no recalling will
take place.