CHAPTER 2. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
Samsung Business Communications
Provides a means to apply the Internet Protocol(IP) address to the VoIP gateway. This
MMC also assigns the number of channels that can be used for IP faxes.
TABLE(00~62): Outbound or Inbound table used for specific access codes. Usually when
the MCP2 card is used as a VoIP gateway, the Outbound table is used. The Inbound table is
used to determine the number of digits to receive before processing the call. Each table has
63 entries(00~62).
No Option Description
0 ACCESS DGT This is the access code that is used once the VoIP gateway is ac-
cessed; this directs a call based on the routing tables used. An access
code table then references an access code and correlates an IP ad-
dress to the access code for routing. A maximum of eight digits are
1 DGT LENGTH This field requests the number of digits that are expected to be received
to make up the whole access code.
2 DEL.LENGTH This is the number of digits to delete after receiving the access code.
If no digits are deleted the access code will be sent as part of the call to
the destination to continue routing.
3 INSERT DGT Digit(s) to insert for routing at the destination. This can be used when
different numbering plans exist or if a dial 9 access is to be inserted in
the dialled digits.
4 IP TABLE 1 This is the first table referenced for routing the access code to an IP
address. The system has 64 IP tables(00~63) with 16 entries(00~15) in
each table. See MMC 833.
6 IP START This entry indicates where in a table to start looking for an IP code to
associate with the access code. This can be used to manage where to
start looking for an IP address in high traffic VoIP gateway applications.
For example: If IP address routing to the desired destination is known to
be in the last seven entries of a table, the IP START location would be 8.
IP address searching would start at entry 8.
7 SERVER USE This parameter determines whether a H.323 Gatekeeper will be utilized
to establish this connection.