OfficeServ 7100 Call Server Programming Guide
Samsung Business Communications 2-149
Allows certain trunk timer values to be changed on a per-trunk basis or for all trunks.
No Item Description Range
00 ANS.BAK TM ANSWER BACK TIME. This timer is used for certain
types of E & M signalling and does not affect normal
CO lines.
0-2500 MSEC
01 CLEARING This timer ensures that a call is fully disconnected at
the CO by preventing CO access outgoing or receiv-
ing incoming ring between a disconnect and the
expiration of this timer.
100-9900 MSEC
02 CO SUPV TM CO SUPERVISION TIME. this is the minimum
length of loop open disconnect received from the
CO that will be seen as a valid hang up on the sys-
10-2500 MSEC
03 DTMF DUR. DTMF DURATION. This is the length of the DTMF
digits that will be sent to the CO on this line.
100-9900 MSEC
04 F-DGT DELY First-DIGIT DELAY. This is the length of time the
system will wait for CO line conditions to stabilize
after seizure before sending DTMF digits.
100-9900 MSEC
05 FLASH TIME This is the duration of the momentary open sent on
a circuit when FLASH key is pressed.
20-2500 MSEC
06 NO RING TM This is the length of time the system will wait after
detecting a ring burst on a line before deciding the
call has disconnected.
1-25 SEC
07 PAUSE TIME This is the length of time the system will wait before
sending the next digit for a pause in a speed dial
1-25 SEC
08 PRS DET TM This means the duration of PRS signal pulse. If the
PRS signal is reversed when opposite party is an-
swered and maintain the status before the opposite
party disconnect the call, the PRS DET TM must be
set to 0.
0-2500 MSEC
09 RNG DET TM RING DETECT TIME. This is the minimum length of
ring signal the system will regard as a valid ring.
10-2500 MSEC
10 WINK TIME This is the duration of the acknowledgment signal
that the system will send on an E&M circuit
100-300 MSEC
11 MF/DP INT This is the interval between sending digit. In case of
DTMF signal, over the 500ms will be serviced as
100 ms.
100-9900 MSEC
12 MFR DLY TM This is a delay time to allocate the MFR after incom-
ing trunk is detected. This is to prevent the wrong
detection of DTMF signal by noise.
0-25 SEC