CHAPTER 2. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
Samsung Business Communications
No Option Description
0 TYPE(contd) d) The callers place in queue is always maintained.
Additional programming for this type of UCD group is in MMC
607. There is a maximum of 20 UCD groups available on a sys-
tem due to availability of system resources.
3 AA: This is used to group a number of AA ports. An Auto Atten-
dant(AA) card must be installed in the system to do this.
4 BI-VMS: This is the voice mail group for the Built-In Voice Mail card.
5 MESSAGE: Used to group a number of extensions to serve as a
message desk or message group. When one of the stations in this
type of group leaves a message to another station the messaged
station will return the message to the message group so any mem-
ber can answer the call. If a station is a member of more than one
message group, then any message indications made by that station
would be for the first numerical message group they are a member
of. It is not recommended to program stations in to multiple station
6 S0 STN GRP: This is used to group a number of S0 stations for a
video conference.
7 VMSUCD GRP: This is used to collect UCD queuing prompts from
the SVMi-20. The group members will be the VM ports.
1 RING MODE Each group can have one of the following ring modes. This will decide
how calls are placed to the group.
0 SEQUENTIAL: The stations listed as ‘members’(see below) will be
called on a ‘first available’ basis. Calls will first go to the first mem-
ber; if the first member is busy, calls will go to the second member; if
the second member is busy, calls will go to the third member, and so
on. This type of group is useful for placing the bulk of the incoming
calls with a selected individual, and other members only getting the
calls when that member is busy. The number of members allowed
for a sequential group is 48.
1 DISTRIBUTED: The first call will go to the first member, the second
call will go to the second member, the third call will go to the third
member. This type of group is useful for evenly distributing the call
among all group members. The number of members allowed for a
distributed group is 48.
2 UNCONDITIONAL: Calls are placed to all group members simulta-
This reduces the number of members of the groups to 32. If a group
member is busy, they can receive off-hook ring if defined in MMC
300. This ring mode option is not available for UCD or VMAA groups.
The SGR INC BUSY option is not available for unconditional ring