Continuous Forms Printing
Command Structure None
The printer locates the end of an adhesive label by sensing the
backing between labels or through the use of an Eye-Mark (black
rectangle on the reverse side of the backing). It locates the end of a
tag from a notch, eye-mark, or a hole between tags. Both sensors
should be disabled when printing continuous forms by sending the
<ESC>CI0 command to disable the sensor.
If you will be using continuous labels or tags, the printer must be told
to stop feeding in another manner. The length is determined by the
position of the last printed image on the label or tag. The printer will
stop feeding when this last field is finished printing. The length may be
increased with printed spaces (20 hexadecimal) if necessary. There is
no command code to control label length.
Page 30 PN 9001092 Rev. A SATO CX208/212 Printers
CX208/212 Programming Guide