Expanded Memory Function
Clear Expanded Memory
Command Structure <ESC>*a,bb
a = Memory section to be cleared
G To clear SATO graphic files from expanded memory
P To clear PCX graphic files from expanded memory
F To clear formats from expanded memory
O To clear TrueType fonts from expanded memory
bb = Expanded Memory section to be cleared (00 to 99).
Example: <ESC>*O,17
Placement: Immediately following the <ESC>CC Memory Area
Select Command.
Default: None
Command Function To clear individual areas of the Expanded Memory.
Printer Input
Printer Output There is no printer output as a result of this command.
Special Notes 1. This command requires the Expanded Memory option. See your
SATO representative for more information.
2. This command is ignored if the Expanded Memory option is not
installed in the printer or if there is no stored data in the area
Page 71 PN 9001092 Rev. A SATO CX208/212 Printers
CX208/212 Programming Guide