40 PRINT #1,E$;"A"; Sends an “<ESC>A” command code to
Print Port #1 opened by statement 20
50 PRINT #1, E$;"H400";E$;"V100";E$;"WL0SATO"; Sends the data “SATO” to be to be
placed 400 dots horizontally and 100
dots vertically on the label and printed in
the “WL” font.
60 PRINT #1, E$;"Q1"; Instructs the printer to print a quantity of
one label.
70 PRINT #1, E$; “Z”; Tells the printer that the last command
has been sent. The printer can now
create and print the job.
80 PRINT #1,CHR$ (3); Sends an <ETX> (ASCII Code decimal
“3”) to the printer telling it that this is the
end of the message.
The maximum print area for the various CX208/212 printers is listed in Table 1, Print
Area. Most of your label applications will not require labels that fill the entire print
area. To make label design simplier, the media on the CX208/212 printers is center
justified, i.e. the label is always centered on the print head. An <ESC>A1 Media Size
command is then used to specify the length and width of the label. The CT printer
uses this information to automatically calculate an “offset” that will move the
Horizontal Reference point to coincide with the first printable dot position on the
specified label. It is extremely important to use the Media Size command. If you do
not, you will have to manually calculate the offset and send it to the printer using the
<ESC>A3 Base Reference Point command.
SATO CX208/212 Printers PN 9001092 Rev. A Page 4
CX208/212 Programming Guide
CX208 CX212
Resolution 203 dpi
8 dpmm
305 dpi
12 dpmm
Max Print Width 832 dots
4.1 in.
104 mm
1248 dots
4.1 in.
104 mm
Max Label Width 4.25 in.
108 mm
4.25 in.
108 mm
Print Length 4064 dots
20 in.
508 mm
3780 dots
12.6 in.
320 mm
Table 1, Print Area