Line Feed
Command Structure <ESC>Eaaa
aaa = Number of dots (001-999) between the bottom of the
characters on one line to the top of the characters on
the next line
Example: <ESC>E010
Placement: Preceding the text that will use the line feed function
Default: None
Command Function To print multiple lines of the same character size without specifying a
new print position for each line. With the Line Feed command, specify
the number of dots you want between each line. Then, send an ASCII
<CR> at the end of each line of text. The printer automatically
identifies the size of the last character, moves down the number of
dots specified, and begins printing the next line.
Input to Printer
Printer Output
Special Notes 1. It is effective only for the current data stream.
2. When printing lines or boxes in the same data stream with the
Line Feed command, the Lines and Boxes command should be
specified last, preceding <ESC>Q Quantity command.
3. This command is invalid only if the value specified is zero.
4. Following this command with a <CR> character will allow you to
print with auto line feed. Tthe print position will be determined from
the value specified and the H value set in the printer. If you specify
several H values after this command, the print position will be
determined by the H value last specified. You must redefine the
font to be used after each H command.
Page 47 PN 9001092 Rev. A SATO CX208/212 Printers
CX208/212 Programming Guide