5. Reverse forward lean position
Stand upright on the foot pedals with your hands on
eitller the stationary or dua! action tlandlebars Lean
forward sligtltly witl_ a 'full body lean as described in
#4, Move your legs backward in a smooth,
elliptical motion. TtTis exercise reverses tt_e direction
of the previous exercise Avoid leaning or pulling back
on the handlebars You will feel more emphasis in the
muscles in the front of your thighs
6. Bacl(ward lean position
Stand upright on the foot pedals wittt your hands on
either the stationary or dual action handlebars,, Lean
back slightly ,with a 'full body lean' from the ankles Do
not round your back Move your legs forward, Your
legs will be moving slightly in front of your body as if
you were cycling Keep your shoulders aligned over
your hips In this exercise, you will feel more emphasis
in the muscles in the back of your Ilips and thighs
7. Reverse backward lean position
Stand upright on the l"oot pedals with your hands on
either the stationary or dual action handlebars Lean
back slightly with a "full body lean" from tl_e ankles Do
not round your back,, Move your leg5 bad,ward in a
smooth, ellilptical motion. Your legs wit! be moving
slightly in front of your body as if you were cycling
backwards This exercise reverses the direction of ttle
previous exercise Keep your shoulders aligned over
your hips, tn this exercise, you will feel more emphasis
in the muscles in the back of your hips and thighs