Before starting this or any other exercise program, consult your physician,
who can assist you in determining the target heart rate zone appropriate for your
age and physical condition Certain exercise programs or types of equipment may
not be appropriate for all people Ttlis is especially important for people over the
age of 35, t:)regnant women, or those with pre-existing health problems or
balance impairments
Start out slowly and progress sensibly.
Monitor your heart rate while you exercise and keep your pulse rate within
your target heart rate zone. Follow the instructions on page 19 in this manual
regarding heart rate monitoring and how to deternline your appropriate target
heart rate zone
Do not overexert yourself with this or any other exercise program. Listen to
your body and respond to any reactions you may be having You must learn to distin-
guish "good" pain. like fatigue, from 'bad" pain, which hurts If you experience any
pain or tightness in your cl_est, an irregular heartbeat or shortness of breath, stop
exercising immediately Consult your physician before continuing
Remember to breathe,, Do not hold your breath while exercising, tf, during the
course of exercising, you become so breathless that you cannot hold a short
conversation, stow down
Use care when stepping on and off the equipment. Set LIt:)and use your Eclipse
I000HR on a solid, level surface Follow the instructions found on page t 3 of this
manual for proper entry and exit techniques
Check all moving parts before each use., Do not use the equipment unless all
moving parts are working correctly
Keep fingers and limbs, loose clothing and hair away from all moving parts.
_!ear appropriate clothing when exercising. Workout clothing should be comfort-
able and tighD,_/eight Wear athletic shoes° such as runrlirlg or aerobic shoes.. Do not
use this product vvith bare feet or when wearing only socks or stockings
The Eclipse TM I O00HR is not intended for use by children. Keep this and all
fitness equipment out of the reach of children
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_:STARTING YOUR \,)I/ORKOUT! :: :: ::::_{::::