Introduction ......................................................................... 2
Important Safety Tips ....................................................... 3
Specifications & Parts ................................................. 4
Exercise Guidelines ........................................................ 5
Warm Lip & Cool Down Stretches ................................. 7
Using Your Eclipse t000HR ......................................... I 0
Using The Handlebars .................................................. 11
Care & Storage ..................................................... 12
Getting Started ................................................................ t3
The Eclipse 1000HR Worl<out ...................................... 14
Suggested Workout Programs ....................................... 17
Target Heart Rate Zone ................................................ 19
Your Total Fitness Program ................................ 20
Limited Warran_ & Service ................................... 21
Workout Progress Chart .............................................. 22
Exercise Data ............................................................ 23
Fitne sO ,
@2001 Fitnes_ Quest_ Inc, All rights reserved
Eclipse TM and Orbi!:at Linking System TM ape a t_&_demarks of Fitness QuestLR}inc U S Paten[ed
f15 893.8Z0 Made in Taiwan No part of this booklet may be reproduced or utilized in any Form
or by any means electronic med_anicat or o_llervvise without the expressed written consent of
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