8. Upper body pull
In this exercise, you will be using only your arms_
Your legs should remain stationary throughout the
exercise Stand uptight on tile foot pedals with your
hands on the dual action handlebars Lean back slightly
witt7 a Tull body lean" from the ankles Reverse your
normal handlebar motion and pull back and then
push forward on the handlebars Make sure that you
do not round your back while doing this exercise You
should fee! the action in .your upper arms and back
muscles Increase the tension as necessary so that you
are getting a full upper body workout tn this exercise.
you 'will feel your biceps, the back of your shoulders
and you! laLs working
Below and on the following page, you will find two workout programs The program
that you follow should be determined by your fitness level, available time and goals It
is highly recommended that you understand your capabilities and the intensity that
best suits you and your goals. In doing either of the programs listed, try and incorporate
the variou__ difl_erent exercises described on pages t 4 through 18 First time exercisers
should follow Program #I and gradually build up both the time and intensity of your
workout, lfyou are aheady a regular exerciser, you may wish to follow Program #2
. Always remember to warm up and cool down,,
. Never try to overdo it, moderation and consistency
are the keys to long term results
- Remember to drink lots of water.
Remember to breathe normally If you become so breathless
that you cannot hold a short conversation, stow clown
Initial Conditioning Program
When first beginning yoLlr Eclipse TM t 0001HR exercise program, the emphasis should be
placed on gradually building up to 20 - 30 minutes of continuous activity Once you
can perform 20 to 30 minutes of continuous exercise, the emphasis can be moved to
gradually building up your intensity levels This program should be followed for the
first 6 to 8 weeks of training
Do exercises I & 2 (only) for the entire exercise period or any
combination of exercises 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, & 7 for the duration
of the exercise period