
Cartridge Address
122 StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide March 2007 Revision K 96154
HLI-PRC Address
HLI-PRC (Host LMU Interface - Panel, Row, Column) address is a four digit comma-
separated value (L,P,R,C) representing LSM, Panel, Row, Column. This addressing
scheme is used by HLI (Host LMU Interface) clients, including ACSLS and HSC, to
represent library components accessible to those HLI clients.
The slot location appears in the following format:
ll: LSM number (0-3)
pp: Panel
rr: Row in the panel
cc: Column in the row
See “Locating a Cartridge and Drive” on page 50 to locate a cartridge using the Library
Although the library management software follows a five digit numbering scheme as
that of the SL8500 address there are significant differences in slot designations, CAP
behavior, and other operational considerations as described below (see also “PTP
Addressing Scheme” on page 34).
Library Storage Module (LSM)
The SL8500 library has four rails on which robots travel. The host software considers
each SL8500 rail as a separate LSM. From top to bottom, SL8500 rails are numbered
from 1 - 4 while the host LSMs are numbered from 0 - 3. For example, SL8500 rail 1 is
Host LSM 0.
Panel Designations
Panel 0 = cartridge access port (CAP)
Panel 1 = drive panel
The data cartridge slots start their numbering after the drive bay (Panel 1) forward.
TABLEA-5 Rail Numbering
Host Internal Firmware
LSM 0 Rail 1
LSM 1 Rail 2
LSM 2 Rail 3
LSM 3 Rail 4