Dynamic World Wide Name
96154 • Revision K Chapter 2 Configuration Information 29
Complete or verify the following fields to make the library and the drives operational:
Dynamic World Wide Name
Each connection (port) in a Fibre Channel environment must have a unique ID called
the World Wide Name (WWN). The WWN is a 64-bit address that identifies each
individual device, company, with vendor information.When enabled, dWWN assigns
names to library drive slots rather than devices. When a drive is replaced, the new drive
receives the same name as the one it replaced, thereby eliminating the need for system
re-configuration There are three World wide Names reserved for each drive bay: Node,
Port A, and Port B.
Changing the WWN feature must be coordinated with the system administrator and is
usually enabled during installation.
Note – Both library and tape drives must have microcode or firmware that supports
the dynamic World Wide Naming feature.
TABLE 2-1 Library Configuration Entries
Fields Valid Values Description
Transition State Online
Forced offline
Online indicates that the library is available for operation.
Offline completes all outstanding jobs for the drive before
taking it offline.
Forced offline (not recommended) immediately varies the drive
offline; all outstanding jobs receive a device failure error.
TABLE 2-2 Drive Configuration Entries
Fields Valid Values Description
Port X Enabled True
Setting this value will turn on or off the physical port (A or B)
on the drive.
If you select False then the communication channel between
the host software and the drive is disabled.
The network software automatically configures the Port (A or
B) address. This is called soft mode addressing.
The arbitrated loop topology (hard ALPAs [Arbitrated Loop Physical
Addresses]) can not be enabled for the SL8500 library or drives.
Transition State Online
Forced offline
Online indicates that the drive is available for operation.
Offline completes all outstanding jobs for the drive before
taking it offline.
Forced offline (not recommended) immediately varies the drive
offline; all outstanding jobs receive a device failure error.