
xxxvi StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide March 2007 Revision K 96154
When two libraries are connected by a pass-thru port (PTP), entering the interior of
either library automatically suspends the pass-thru operations in the two libraries.
Operations also stop within the library with the open door, while the other library’s
operation continues.
Door Switches
The library has four front door switches on the Customer Interface Module that
monitor the state of the front access doors; should a door be opened without using
service mode, these switches remove power from the robotics.
Emergency Robotics Stop Switches
Emergency robotic stop (ERS) is the removal of AC and DC power to the robotics, such
as the HandBots, pass-thru ports, CAPs, and elevators; the library and tape drives are
not affected. The emergency robotic stop ensures that no robotic motion occurs while
someone is inside the library.
In case of a condition that requires an immediate power-off of the library, there are two
ERS switches for the library:
One interior, lighted switch on the left side of the drive area, as seen from the front
of the machine
One non-illuminated, covered switch on the front operator key panel
Pressing an ERS switch immediately removes AC and DC power to the robotics (not the
entire library). After it is determined that it is safe to restore power, press the switch
again to reset it.
Smoke Detection
A smoke detector is present within the library. The smoke detector is in the upper right
section of the drive and electronics module, as seen from the rear of the machine.
If the detector senses smoke, the library performs an emergency power-off (EPO)
procedure, removing all (AC and DC) power from the library. Call your service
representative to diagnose the problem.
The replacement of the smoke detector is an annual preventative maintenance
Fire Suppression
The library does not ship with a Fire Suppression System installed, although features
have been incorporated into the library to allow fire suppression systems to be
installed. Professional Services can install a Fire Suppression System on site. Contact
your service representative for more information.