96154 • Revision K Glossary 147
primary library interface
(PLI)The communication path between the operator panel and the library controller
(the HBC card). This consists of Ethernet with TCP/IP and XML.
PTPSee pass-thru port.
putAn activity in which a robot places a cartridge into a slot or drive.
PWAPrinted wiring assembly.
RaceTrack™ architectureThe design and implementation of the SL8500 library’s multiple high-performance
railThat portion of the upper robot track assembly that provides power and
communication to the robot.
rail assemblyThe mechanism on which the robot travels between cartridge arrays and tape
reach mechanismA component of the robot that moves the gripper to get or put a cartridge at a
designated location.
RealTime Growth™
capabilityThe capability to add pass-thru ports dynamically while the library is operating.
remote operator consoleThe customer’s operator panel that interfaces with the PLI. See also security
software layer.
reserved slotsCartridge slots that are used only for cleaning and diagnostic cartridges and as
drop-off slots.
robotA mechanism that moves horizontally along a track in the Product Name to
transport cartridges to and from other locations in the library. Also called a
HandBot or TallBot.
robotics interface
moduleThe module containing the curved rails and pass-through port (PTP) assemblies.
See also StreamLine™ RaceTrack™.
security auditThe process of reading and storing in Product Name library memory the VOLIDs
and locations of all cartridges in the library. See also host audit.
security software layer
(SSL)The communication path between the PLI and the remote operator console.
service areaAn area between the access doors of the customer interface module and the
service safety door in which an inoperable robot is stored for service and other
mechanisms can be repaired or replaced.